DE-CH VDH+Klub, BE-CH, NL-CH, LX-CH and Int. CH (C.I.E.)
Gesundheit / Health
Hüfte / Hips : A
Augen / Eyes: frei von allen Krankheiten / free of any disease
Gonioskopie: nicht frei - kurze Trabekel/ Gewebebrücken
Fucosidose: DNA Test frei/free
cord1 PRA: DNA Test frei/free
Sieger's Rich Without Money was the mother of our I- litter
Sieger's Rich Without Money ist die Mutter unseres I-Wurfs
Sieger's Rich Without Money was BOB at the International Show in Luxembourg under the Judge Mr Norman Deschuymere B
Sieger's Ritch Without Money ist ESA Champion 2017 in Dortmund /
ESA Dortmund Sieger's Rich Without Money was BOB under the judge Hans van den Berg (NL) and in the Mainring she got BIG 1 under the judge Dr. Peter Beyersdorf
Sieger's Ritch Without Money in Dortmund /
IRA Dortmund Sieger's Rich Without Money was BOB and BIG 3 under the judge Petru Muntean (RO)
Sieger's Ritch Without Money in Soltau /
Sieger's Rich Without Money was BOB, Club Winner 2017 and BIS 4 at the Club Show in Soltau
under the judge Mr. W.Trumpfheller(D).
Sieger's Run Baby Run had his first Show debut in Soltau. At the Late Night Show he got very
promising 1 in the Baby Class under the judge Dr. H. Kettendörfer (D) and at the Club Show he got
also very promising under the judge Mr W. Trumpfheller (D).
Sieger's Ritch Without Money ist Nederlands Champion 2017 /
Sieger's Ritch Without Money is Nederlands Champion 2017
Sieger's Ritch Without Money ist Belgischer Champion 2017 /
Sieger's Ritch Without Money is Belgian Champion 2017
Sieger's Rich Without Money was BOS at the Show in Bleiswijk NL under the Judge Mr. Frank Kane
Sieger's Ritch Without Money was BOB and Sieger's Down The Line was BOS at the Bundessieger in Dortmund !
Both are now Bundessieger 2016
Sieger's Ritch Without Money ist Belgischer Jugend Champion 2016 /
Sieger's Ritch Without Money is Belgian Junior Champion.
Sieger's Ritch Without Money
Sieger's Ritch Without Money was BOB in Cologne 02.07.2016
Sieger's Ritch Without Money was BOB in Tilburg NL. 04.06.2016
Sieger's Ritch Without Money was BOB in Tilburg NL.
Sieger's Rich Without Money was BOB in Genk
Sieger`s Rich Without Money was BOB in Genk Belgium
Sieger's Rich Without Money was BOB in Offenburg
Sieger 's Ritchie Without Money was BOS International Show in Gent Belgium
Sieger's Rich Without Money was BOS at the International Show in Luxembourg
Sieger's Rich Without Money was BOS at the Show in Turnhout Belgium
Sieger's Rich Without Money was BOS at the International Show in Bleiswijk NL
Great news from Charleroi Belgium.
Sieger`s Rich Without Money was BOB coming from Junior Class.
24-25 October 2015:
Sieger's Rich Without Money was
Ex1 Jgd VDH international Show
in Dortmund Junior Winner and Junior BOB